DEFINITION: Ulcerative Colitis is the inflammation that affects the lining of the large intestine.
CAUSES: – Genetic factor
– Auto immune disorder
– Environmental factor
– Diet & breast feeding
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: ulcerative colitis affects the superficial mucosa of the colon
It becomes edematous and inflamed
The disease process usually begin in rectum
The bowel narrow, shortness and thicker
Obstruction, perforation and bleeding
Ulcerative Colitis
• Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever
• Rectal Bleeding
• Eye Lesions
• Anorexia
• Anemia
• Dehydration
• Weight Loss
Blood test
• Ultrasound
• Computed tomography
• Magnetic resonance imaging
• X–Ray
• Endoscopy
• Colonoscopy
Medical management:
Medication are dependent on severity, disease location and complication.
1. Sedative Drugs
2. Anti- Diarrheal
3. Antibiotics
4. Corticosteroids
5. Immunodulators
Nutritional Therapy: Suggest about oral fluid, high protein diet with supplement vitamin therapy and iron replacement.
Control Pain and Diarrhea
Avoid cold foods and smoking.
Surgical management:
1. Total Colectomy with ileostomy:
The surgical creation of an opening into the ileum or small intestine allowed drainage of fecal matter from the ileum to the outside of body.
2. Total Colostomy with continent ileostomy:
The removal of entire colon this procedure eleminance the need and external fecal collection bag.
3. Total Colostomy with ileonal anastomosis:
The total colostomy with ileonal anastomosis
Nursing Management:
Patient in community settings or those recently diagnosed may primarily require education about diet, medication and referral to support group.
For Hospitalized Patients:
1. Parental Nutrition
2. Fluid Replacement
3. Physical care
4. Psychological Support
Nursing Diagnosis:
1. Diarrhea related to inflammation process.
2. Acute pain related to increased peristalsis and gastro-intestinal inflammation.
3. Fluid Volume Deficit related to anorexia, nausea and diarrhea.
4. Imbalanced Nutrition less than body requirement related to dietary restrictions.
5. Impaired Skin Integrity related to malnutrition.
6. Activity intolerance related to fatigue.
7. Knowledge deficit related to disease conditions.