To reduce the risk of transmission of micro-organism, mask, gown, caps, scarf, gloves, protective eye wear etc. are used. Along with these aids of infection control some basic techniques are also used. Always remember the Hand Washing is the single most method to reduce the spread of infection.
a. At the beginning of the work day.
b. Before and after providing any nursing Care.
c. Before assisting the patient for eating.
d. Before and after any invasive procedures.
a. To prevent patient from noso-comial infection.
b. To prevent pathogenic microorganism from spreading through hands from patient to patient.
c. To provide patient care with non infected hands.
d. To provide spiritual and hygienic satisfaction.
a. Soap
b. Warm running water
c. Paper towel/Cloth towel
d. Nail Sticks or Nail Cleaner
1. Stand well away in front of sink:- A. Standing close to running water exposes the uniform to get wet. B.Outside and inside of the sink is considered as contaminated. C. If hands touch the sink during the procedures repeat the procedures.
2. Turn on water and adjust the flow of temperature:- a. Warm is more comfortable rather than the hot water, hot water may cause irritation to the hands.
3. Wet hand sand forearms with water, keep hands lower than elbow during washing:- a. Water should flow least to most contaminated area.
4. Apply Soap: – a. Soap and water cleanses skin.
5. Rub Palms and fingers together for 10 to 15 minutes: – a. to remove the dirt.
6. Pay more the places attention where microorganism can hide.
7. Repeat the steps for 4 to 7 times.
8. Dry hand thoroughly with dry cloth towel
9. Turn off water with foot or Knee pedals.
a. Working area should be kept dry and clean during and after procedures
b. If hands are looking soiled proper time should be given to the patient.

Why it is very important to do Hand washing before and after every procedures.
Author: Jishu Baiju