Patients with respiratory dysfunction are treated with oxygen inhalation to relieve anoxemia or hypoxemia(deficiency of oxygen in blood).The normal amount of oxygen in the arterial blood should be in the range of 80 to 100 mm of hg. If it falls below 60 mm of hg, irreversible physiologic effects may occur.
1. Nasal canula: the two canula about 1.5cm long protrude from the centre of a disposable tube and are inserted and. Oxygen is delivered via canula with a flow rate of up to 4 liter/minute.
2. Nasal catheter: most common method of administering oxygen to the patients in hospital wards, the nasal catheter is inserted into the nostrils reaching up to the uvula and is held in place by adhesive tape. Flow of 1 to 4 liters of oxygen will be sufficient to maintain the concentration of 22 to 30% oxygen.
3. Oxygen by mask:. It is shaped to fit snugly over the mouth and nose and is secured in place with a strap. There are 2 primary types of mask, high and low concentration. It is used to deliver oxygen concentration of 24% to28%, 30%, 35%, with oxygen flow rates of 2 to 3, 4, 6liter/minute respectively.
4. Oxygen tent: an oxygen tent consists of canopy over the patient’s bed that may cover the patient fully or partially and is connected to a supply of oxygen.
Check the name, bed no. and other identifications of the patient.
Check doctors order for specific precautions regarding the movement and positioning of the patient.
Assess the patient for any signs of clinical anoxia.
Assess the patients vital signs and breathing pattern carefully.
Check the result of ABG analysis.
Note any signs of pulmonary dysfunction.
Wash hands
Measure the length of the nasal catheter to be introduced into the nostrils.
Lubricate the tip of the catheter sparingly with water soluble jelly and then check the flow by immersing it in the water.
Introduce catheter slowly to one of the nostrils to the previously marked distance. If any obstruction is encountered withdraw the catheter a little, rotate it and introduce it again.

What is Oxygen Therapy