A clean, fresh, comfortable, bed is very important for people who have to spend time in Bed during their illness. A comfortable Bed uplifts one mentally, provides physical relaxation and may prevent serious complications.
The four general types of beds are used in patient care units. These are
a. Standard beds:- These are hospital bed made of metal. These are easy to handle, clean, strong, durable and simple in design. It is 200 cm long, 100 cm wide and 75 cm high from the floor.
b. Manual bed:- It requires the use of hand cranks or foot pedals to manipulate the bed into desired positions .Cranks are elevate the head and foot end of the bed . Foot Pedals are used to raise the height of the bed from the floor. Manual beds are generally less expensive in comparison to hydraulic and electric beds.
c. Hydraulic beds: – It functions through the use of compressed air fed to the system. Manual operation of the bed is also possible through the use of foot pedals.
d. Electric beds: – It is having Electric motors .An advantage of this bed is the patient can control the positions.
Unoccupied beds: – The patient is out of bed while it is being made.
Closed bed or Empty bed:- A bed is not being used by bathe patient. The linen is left to cover the bed.
Open bed: – A bed which is about to be occupied by the patient
Admission bed: – A bed just like an open bed. A long mackintosh and bath blanket is put over the open bed for giving the bath to patient.
Occupied bed:- The patient remains in the bed.
Surgical bed:- After the Anesthesia.
Orthopedic bed:- For orthopedic patient.
Renal bed: – A bed for the renal patient.
Cardiac bed:- For the heart patient.
To provide a clean and comfortable to the patient.
To avoid patient exertion by making bed.
To eliminate irritants to skin.
To dispose of soiled linens properly.
To provide a unit or ward neat appearance.

What is Bed Making? Write the types and objectives of Bed making Briefly.
Author: Jishu Baiju