It is also called as helping relationship. Helping relationship is the foundation of nursing practice.
In such relationship nurse assumes the role of professional helper and comes to know the client as an individual who has health needs, human responses and pattern of living.
a. Trust:- Unless client believe that a nurse wishes to care for their needs , a trusting relationship cannot develop honesty in sharing information with client and also builds trusts.
b. Empathy and sympathy:- Empathy is the ability to enter into the life of another. Sympathy is the expression of one’s own feelings about another prediction.
c. Caring:- Nurse show caring who they are and respecting them as individual.
d. Autonomy:- It is an ability to be self directed.
There are 4 phases under helping relationship:-
1. Preinteraction phase:- Before a first meetings with the a client nurse reviews information pertaining to the client. Such information includes the medical or nursing history, an entry in nurse’s notes of the medical record or discussion with another nurse who cared for the client.
2. Orientation phase: – The orientation phase begins when the nurse and client first meet. It includes:- Testing Building trust, Identifying problems and goals , clarifying roles, Forming contracts.
3. Working phase: – During the working phase of a helping relationship the nurse strives to meet goals set during the orientation phase. The relationship broadens and becomes more flexible as the nurse and clients are more willing to share feelings and discuss problems.
4. Termination phase: – The primary objectives at the end of the working phase helping relationship are termination in a planned and satisfying manner. Nurse can evaluate the condition of client. It also includes the separation in which the nurse plans time to allow the client to share concerns or fear.

What do you understand by nurse patient relationship and explain it phase.
Author: Jishu Baiju